For the Outliers

Outliers are driven by a vision that extends beyond the immediate horizon. They are not content with the status quo and are motivated by a deep-seated desire to effect meaningful change, whether in their field, community, or the broader world.

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Mini-Course on the three principles that guide Outlier

March 4-7th.

  • Invest in Yourself.

    You know that feeling of boredom, like you have reached a plateau in your work. The best way to combat that is surround yourself with others who are mission driven, and find a bigger purpose that what is immediately in front of you. To do this we pull from Napoleon Hill’s keys to success and follow the mastermind mind blueprint.

  • Coach Others.

    As you find your mission and join with others that share a common goal, you’ll make it a part of your growth map to invest in others, and teach them your hear won lessons. Most important though, is you’ll teach them to invest in themselves to find true freedom on their terms beyond your relationship as a mentor and teacher. This comes from example Jim Rohn, one of the greatest coaches of the last century.

  • Give Financially.

    Charity has been redefined for our generation. No longer driven by videos of starting kids covered in flies, we now look at charity as a way to make positive impact coupled with radical transparency. This was driven heavily by Charity: Water and their 100% model, but has since been adopted by other major players. To get a framework for giving money, we’ll follow the man who laid the foundation for giving while living, Andrew Carnegie.

Join my 3-day mini course on Life by Design

For the last 15 years I’ve gone from living in an in-law suite with my family, to owning properties, consulting, and lost important to me, becoming a philanthropist. This last year I compiled the many lessons I’ve learned from reading hundreds of books and experiencing real life personal growth, and now I’ve widdled it down to three simple things that any of us can apply right where we’re at for new found growth. Join this 3 day mini-course where I’ll share the background on these three topics and where I pulled my inspiration from.

What we’ll cover in the course.

What is a mastermind, and where to find your tribe.
Where I started, how I transitioned, how I launched my own.

What knowledge do you have that can be structured to improve the lives of others.
How to validate your knowledge in the market.
The difference between supporters and customers.

Why giving money is more important than where you give your money.
My personal journey in philanthropy starting with charity:water and moving on to Many Hopes, and where I am today. Having given over $150k personally, our group as a whole has now doubled that number.